Thursday, 4 July 2013

Load Json,JQuery from Home page of MSCRM 2011

Hi All,

This is Sudhakarreddy Chidipudi

Now i  will explain how to load Json,JQuery scripts from homepage grid of CRM Entity.
Every ribbon button has Command Definition .We can load the script files from this Command Definition of actions tags.

Below is the example to load the script files form home page grid.

    <CommandDefinition Id="Mscrm.HomepageGrid.SudhakarReddyLoadScripts">
        <JavaScriptFunction FunctionName="$" Library="$webresource:sudhakar_jSon" />
        <JavaScriptFunction FunctionName="$" Library="$webresource:sudhakar_jQuery" />
        <JavaScriptFunction FunctionName="MyTest" Library="$webresource:sudhakar_Functions">

Have a nice day:)
Sudhakarreddy Chidipudi

Default form data values using QueryString arguments

                                       SudhakarReddy Chidipudi
Hi All,

 Sometimes you may have to open a new CRM from using Query String arguments with default values

We can achieve by using extraq parameter in url

1)Set the default Value for Lookup

To open a new record with default values then below syntax you can use,

Below is the example of opening primary contact of account ,

I have a contact with the name of "Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi".I want to open the account form with the default contact is "Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi".{ Here you have to provide your record id }%26primarycontactidname%3D Name of your record.

%3D Represents equal(=) and %26 represents &.

2)To open the new record with default name

Have a nice day :)

Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi

Sunday, 5 May 2013

MSCRM 2011 UnResolved Emails

Hi This is   Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi.  
What is unresolved email?
If any mail does not exist in MSCRM organization then we call it as UnResolved email.
Some times when you try to send a email it shows error regarding unresoved emails.
To resoved that navigate to
Select the radio button to yes "Allow messages with unresolved e-mail recipients to be sent"
Do you want to load unresolved emails using javascript?
var obj = new Object(); = "EmailAddress";
obj.category = 3;
obj.type = 9206;

Found more than one ribbon diff enitity in MSCRM 2011

Hi This is  Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi
Some times when you import customization's you get a error "Found more than one ribbon diff enitity".
It means if any id is duplicated in <RibbonDiff/> it throws error.
Funny thing is when you import your customizations first time to the new organization it does not throw any error .
If you do some customizaton later and then try to import to your organization it throws the above error.
To resolve the above error first import empty <RibbonDiff/> and then publish customization of enitty and then import your original customizations.
Have a nice day ............................... :)

Exception handling in MSCRM 2011 Online

Hi this is   Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi
Today i am going to explain the ways of handling exceptions in MSCRM 2011 Online.
Bit difficult storing exceptions in MSCRM 2011 online.Reason is sandbox plugins are partial trust.
Sandbox plugins have retriction on file system.
Below are the different ways
1) Crearte webservice or WCF service to log your error.
2)Create custom entity and crate record for each error.
I will explain in detail soon with example .................... :)
Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi