SudhakarReddy Chidipudi
Sometimes you may have to open a new CRM from using Query String arguments with default values
We can achieve by using extraq parameter in url
1)Set the default Value for Lookup
To open a new record with default values then below syntax you can use,
Below is the example of opening primary contact of account ,
I have a contact with the name of "Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi".I want to open the account form with the default contact is "Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi".{ Here you have to provide your record id }%26primarycontactidname%3D Name of your record.
%3D Represents equal(=) and %26 represents &.
2)To open the new record with default name
Have a nice day :)
Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi
Hi All,
Sometimes you may have to open a new CRM from using Query String arguments with default values
We can achieve by using extraq parameter in url
1)Set the default Value for Lookup
To open a new record with default values then below syntax you can use,
Below is the example of opening primary contact of account ,
I have a contact with the name of "Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi".I want to open the account form with the default contact is "Sudhakar Reddy Chidipudi".{ Here you have to provide your record id }%26primarycontactidname%3D Name of your record.
%3D Represents equal(=) and %26 represents &.
2)To open the new record with default name
Have a nice day :)
Nice Post.Keep it up.